My name is Andrew White, and as someone who has made Virginia my home, I've seen firsthand how our state's partisan gridlock has failed to deliver for our communities. The coercive duopoly of the current political system has torn our state apart. With politicians now beholden to special interests, they pass laws to keep themselves in power, leaving the rest of us to fight over the scraps.
Time and time again, I've been met with empty promises, bureaucratic red tape, and a lack of genuine concern for the people they're supposed to serve. I've seen how the influence of special interests has led to decisions that benefit the powerful few at the expense of the many. As someone who's been disillusioned by the partisan gridlock in our state, I'm running for Governor to offer a different kind of leadership.
I believe that our democracy should be of the people, by the people, and for the people, not the plaything of the well connected. That's why I'm committed to implementing significant electoral reforms, to ensure that our government truly represents the will of the people.
As an Independent candidate, I'm not beholden to any party or ideology, and I'm committed to tearing down the barriers that have divided our state for too long. I will listen to every voice, not just the powerful and well-connected, and work tirelessly to address the concerns of all Virginians. By abolishing the duopoly and promoting electoral reform, I aim to create a government that truly represents the diverse voices and perspectives of our citizens and helps our state reach its full potential.
As an avid chandler, I enjoy making candles and experimenting with different scents and colors. This hobby requires thoughtful consideration, as every variable, from wax to wick to scent, must be carefully chosen to create a safe and enjoyable candle.
I find that this process is similar to effective governance, where thoughtful consideration and attention to detail are essential for making informed decisions. I'm excited to bring these skills to the table and work towards creating a brighter future for our community.
The two party system has failed us, and it is past time for a change. For too long, the parties have ignored us, instead prioritizing the needs of special interests and party loyalists. This system is beyond repair, and the only way for our voice to be heard is for a new one to rise from its ashes. We have the power to make a better future, for us, and future generations, a system that truly answers to and represents the people of The Commonwealth.
Allow voters to choose those who most closely represent them and their communities.
Third party and independent candidates are no longer a "wasted" vote, but now a vote that makes a difference, and helps break the stranglehold of the two party system.
Provide candidates with funds and resources to ensure an equal playing field, eliminating structural barriers to holding office.
Expunge the corrupting influcence of special and corporate interests, making politicans accountable to their constituents.
Remove the instinct of self-preservation from goverment, and restore accountability.
Guarantee a never ending change in perspectives and ideas, preventing complacency and preparing new leaders for future generations.
Keep legislators in the districts they serve, making every vote visible to their voters.
Conduct information sessions on the inner workings of bills, letting citizens learn how the decisions of their representatives affect them.
Virginia is short by hundreds of thousands of housing units, driving up the cost of living for everyone.
Instead of building small starter homes, developers focus on large, expensive, and high profit projects that are beyond the reach of the average Virginian.
Housing is a human right, which means it is the state's obligation to ensure everyone has access to a safe and affordable home.
The digital age requires modern and high speed internet to take part in everything our state has to offer.
In the 21st century, it is no longer a luxury, but a basic requirement, one that has fallen to private enterprise to build.
In many rural areas, it will simply never be profitable to build or maintain that infrastructure, necessitating a public digital superhighway to every single house.
Far too many work multiple jobs, barely managing to put food on the table, due to poverty wages.
When people do not have the money to spend on food, housing, or other basic needs, our economy suffers, punishing everyone.
No one should be paid anything less than a living wage, that is what a true minimum wage should be.
All anyone wants from a job is a healthy and stable relationship with their employer.
Sadly, far too many are subject to abuse, wage theft, unsafe working conditions, nonexsistent job security, and far more.
Virginians deserve a respectful workplace, one that values you as an individual, and treats you with the dignity you bestow upon your neighbors.
The noble institution of higher education has been corrupted into a profit seeking goliath.
Far too many jobs require degrees for tasks that cannot be taught in the classroom, saddling students with debts that far exceed any reasonable salary.
Education should be a path of opportunity, not a source of financial woe.
Healthcare is now unattainable for far too many Virginians, due to greedy insurance companies.
The secret price lists that medical providers are forced to use by these companies, end up increasing prices and lowering the standard of care.
People are not some number on a spreadsheet, and are entitled to fairly priced and quality medical care.
Rather than address the real issues facing our communities, career politicians instead seek to maintain their undeserved power. Special interests are prioritzed, and our basic needs are left behind. Any attempt to ask for help earns nothing but scorn and derision, for they no longer care about us.
If you are ready to help create a better future for Virginia, where every voice is heard and considered, please join us. We are a movement that is sick of the status quo and advocates for real change. Any help you can provide we will gladly accept, even just a few hours a month can make a difference.